About Us

We all have great wisdom within us, we all should be enabled to share it. That’s what this Holy Vible web experiment is for.

Biological viruses go through our bodies, while memetic viruses go through our minds. Every person who write their own positive virus can share it, and have it forked by others.

The future can be great, but it is up to us to make it great.

We must recognize that we are in fact at battle together. We are all interconnected, and we are all playing our part in this bigger picture.

In the movie Avatar, the idea of a cohesive god-like organism is very apparent, and is given the name Ewa. Our own real reality is not different from this idea, we are in fact interconnected by a god-like intelligence. The problem is that this god-like organism has obtained the goal of extraction seeking. This has risen above our own capabilities to defend our will against this godlike tech.

Joining the Vibe contest, is believing that together, we can make reality great.

The fundamental goal of the internet (The Ewa we have today), is broken.

The goal of most platforms of media sharing, the layer that acts between all information sharing, tries to get people to spend more time on them, and maximizes extraction of value from every individual.

Yet, fundamentally the future is in our hands. Fundamentally we all have within us that higher spark of understanding what our better selves, and what better solutions look like.

We must come together to disrupt this status quo.

The Existenstial Virus

A positive shift for all the cells in humanity.

1st Principles Systemic/Memetic Change:

Pandemics cause pain to our organism, make us feel apart from each others, a holy viruses of positive mental thought gives us a stronger sense of being together, it builds resilience against future viruses that will try to attack our system. Peoples opinion are swayed by what they believe other people’s opinions are. We wanted to create a platform which facilitated every person to generate, output, and fork the great vibes inside of us.


We are on a search for the universe's greatest disciple. 🛐


We are asking every person to write the most divine knowledge they can fathom and share it with their network.

Your submissions reach in the world is tracked, and the twelve disciples which bless the most peoples lives WIN:

1st: $10,000 USD 🥇 + Fly Out To Meet The Team
2nd: $5000 USD
3rd: $2,500 USD
4th: $1,250 USD
5th: $750 USD
6th: $500 USD
7th: $420 USD
8th: $350 USD
9th: $300 USD
10th: $250 USD
11th: $125 USD
12th: $69 USD